Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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This is the section of the system where you will
establish and maintain documentation on insurance
companies you normally do business with. Selecting the
(I)nsurance company option from your MASTER MENU will
The first time you use this option you should select
'(M)aintenance' from the sub-menu where you can create
your file of insurance companies.
After you've created your insurance companies file,
you can select (D)isplay from your sub-menu, which will
give you a list of companies on file. If you want to
make a change or an update of information on a particular
company, you can move the cursor through the list until
it's highlighting the desired company and then press
Upon selecting a specific insurance company you will
automatically enter into the (I)nquiry mode of the
(M)aintenance function.
(I)nquire - In this mode you will be displayed the total
information you have on file for the selected insurance
(A)dd new - Enter the (A)dd new function, and type in the
information. The 'code' information needed here is the
abbreviation of a particular insurance company that you
assigned in creating your 'tables'. ie, BX = Blue Cross.
The rest of the information needed is standard. When you
setup new insurance company masters take care to assign
meaningful codes. These codes should be an abbreviation
of the insurance companies name and possibly a number to
identify that will distinguish between various agencies
that coverage through this insurance company. After you
have defined the code to be used for identifying the
insurance company you can then enter all remaining
(C)hange - With this option you can modify any
information on file for a specific insurance company
record on file. The only field you cannot change is the
code field you setup to identify this specific insurance
company record. Once you have retrieved the desired
insurance company record you can move from field to field
until you are on the field you need to change. Type in
the changes and move to the end. A 'prompt' will appear
in the message line on the bottom of your screen:
Page 51
Press <ENTER> if the information is correct.
(D)elete - The (D)elete function of (M)aintenance is used
to delete any insurance companies you no longer do
business with. Entering the (D)elete function will
request the code number of the company you want to
delete. Type in the code number and you will receive a
'prompt' on the message line on the bottom of your
This prompt is provided so that you do not accidentally
delete and insurance company master from your files.
(+)skip / (-)skip - The (+/-)skip options allow you to
step through your insurance company master file one
record at a time - (+)skip = to the next insurance
company record on file, (-)skip = back to the previous
insurance company record on file. You can then select any
of the displayed insurance company records for (C)hange
or (D)elete actions.
(L)ist to printer
With this option you can list all of your insurance
company master records to the printer. This master
listing of your insurance companies will be printed in
ID. code sequence. Depending upon the number of insurance
companies you have setup this listing could take a few
Page 52
The (D)octors section is used for keeping records of
the dentists associated with your practice and referring
dentists and doctors. Those records will be accessed
during other functions of the system.
Selecting the (D)octors option from the MASTER MENU
will give you the DOCTORS - SUB-MENU (screen).
The (D)isplay option from the sub-menu will give you
a list of the dentists and doctors on file. You can
select a specific record for further processing by
highlighting the desired displayed dentist/doctor and
pressing the <ENTER> key. Once you have selected a doctor
for processing you will be immediately taken into the
dentist/doctor (M)aintenance function and that record
will be displayed to you in the (I)nquiry mode. You can
then select any of the maintenance sub-menu functions for
further processing of the displayed information.
(I)nquire - The (I)nquire option allows you to request
the display of a specific dentist/doctors record. This is
the mode you will be placed in upon selecting a specific
dentist/doctor from the (D)isplay function. After the
requested record has been displayed you are returned to
the (M)aintenance sub-menu for selection of the next
action to be taken.
(A)dd new - The '(A)dd new' function of (M)aintenance
will create space for you to type in information for a
particular dentist/doctor. When you first setup your file
we suggest that you assign the default dentist the ID.
code of '00'. Use of this number will reduce the number
of key strokes required by the operator to assign this
dentist to a patient, or while posting transactions. The
rest of the information is standard.
(C)hange - The (C)hange option allows you to request a
specific dentist/doctor's record for retrieval and
maintenance. Once you have the desired record displayed
on the screen you can step down through the displayed
fields by pressing the <ENTER> key and change the field
in error.
Page 53
(D)elete - The (D)elete option allows you to request a
specific dentist/doctor's record for retrieval and
possible deletion. Once you have the desired record
displayed you will be presented with a prompt to confirm
your deletion request.
A response of 'Y' will delete the displayed
dentist/doctor record in your doctor data base. A
response of 'N' will terminate your delete request.
After you have responded to the prompt the desired action
will be taken and you will be returned to the dentist
(M)aintenance sub-menu with a message displayed at the
bottom of the screen for the results of the action taken.
(+)skip / (-)skip - The (+/-) skip options allow you to
sequentially advance forward (+), and backward (-), one
record at a time in your dentist/doctor file.
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The (L)ist function will list all dentist/doctors in
your doctor data base to the printer in sequence by the
assigned ID code. While this option may not seem to be of
value in a small practice keep in mind that although this
function is provided for maintaining your dentist/doctor
information you can also us it to maintain information on
any other member of your staff.
Page 55
This section of the system contains all your charge
codes and codes for adjustments and receipts for your
billing purposes and other financial transactions. It
has multi-level capabilities, and with it, you can set up
as many as 100 different tables, 00-99.
Selecting the (T)ables option from the MASTER MENU
will give you the CHARGE TABLE - SUB-MENU (screen).
(NOTE: Since the other sections of this system rely on
the availability and accuracy of information in this
section, you MUST set up your tables first.)
For the benefit of the first-time computer users, we
will take you through this section in detail. More
experienced users can take a coffee break.
(D)isplay tables
Once you've been working with the system for some
time, the most efficient use is to take the first option
from the sub-menu to (D)isplay tables. It will list
tables by name and code number. From there, you can
select a table by highlighting it and pressing <ENTER>.
After you have selected the table you are requested to
identify the sequence in which to display the code by.
This sequence is either by code, or by alpha description.
Following the sequence selection you are provided the
option to identify a starting value for section of the
table you wish to display. If you enter no value then
your display starts with the first entry in the table.
Your table is then displayed to you so that you can
select the code entry you wish to do maintenance on.
Nest you are taken into the (C)harge code display.
(C)harge code display
When you first request this function you are asked
if you wish to display by (D)escription or (C)ode. If you
request (D)escription your table entries will be listed
in alphabetical order by the description you gave it. If
you requested (C)ode your table entries will be listed in
code sequence. Within the (C)harge code display, you can
highlight the table record you want to access, press
<ENTER>, and that table record will be brought up under
the (I)nquiry mode of the (M)aintenance function.
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Following the initialization of your system you go
directly to the (M)aintenance option of your CHARGE TABLE
- SUB-MENU. Enter (M)aintenance by moving the cursor
until that option is highlighted and press <ENTER>, or by
just pressing the 'M' key. This will give you the CHARGE
(I)nquire - The (I)nquire function allows you to request
the display of a specific charge code within a specific
charge table. If you selected a specific table code from
the table display routine it will be passed to the
maintenance function and initially displayed in the
(I)nquire mode. Once a specific table code has been
displayed you are returned to the (M)aintenance sub-menu
from which you can select the next desired action to be
(A)dd new - You can add new tables and codes by entering
the '(A)dd new' function.
First identify the table by entering its assigned
number. (For setting up your standard, or 'DEFAULT',
table we encourage you to use the code of '00. This will
save you key strokes in setting up patients and assigning
them to this table.) The 'DEFAULT' table will be used
most of the time. You can use the UTILITIES to copy any
existing table on file for use for setting up other
(Note: you must setup - WITHIN EACH TABLE - codes for 'C
= Charges, R = Receipts, and A = Adjustments'. DENTAL#1
uses a common posting screen for entering of charges,
receipts, and adjustments and all of these codes can be
posted in the same posting cycle.)
The system is setup so that you can either enter the
standard ADA charge codes, or define your own. These
codes can be any combination of numbers or alphabetic
characters. For your charge codes you have two formats
within a single code structure. The first five characters
are your primary code, the last three characters are for
an optional modifier. You can setup standard codes with
modifiers that will be retrieved when you enter that
eight position code in your transaction posting cycle. If
in the transaction posting cycle you enter codes having
modifiers not already setup in your tables the DENTAL#1
system will look for a table entry that matches the first
five characters entered. In this manner you do not have
to setup codes in your tables for all possible modifiers
you may use. When you are in the transaction posting
Page 57
cycle you have the option to key over the description and
rate returned for valid codes. After you have entered the
code the system checks for the possible existence of that
code already on file for this table. You cannot setup
duplicate codes within a given table. If there is no
duplicate code on file you are requested to enter the
'description' field. (Note - For setting up codes for
receipts and adjustments we suggest that you use codes
that are easy to remember such as: PAYCASH = for a cash
EACH CHARGE CODE. For setting up your charge codes you
can use the standard five digit ADA codes followed by up
to a two position modifier separated with a hyphen.) The
'Code description' is a free form field. In it you can
use whatever designation you want, but for uniformity you
may want to use a code description from the standard ADA
There are three types of codes to set up; charge,
adjustment and receipt in each of these tables. This is
what the 'Type (C,A,R)...' field is asking for.
TYPE 'C' = Charge
For charge's enter the actual charge amount in the
'Rate' field. This field is passed over for adjustments
and receipts. When you post charge transactions you have
the option to override this rate with any value you wish.
'Taxable (Y/N)...:N' has an automatic default for
the 'no' response since most services are not taxable.
But you can select 'yes' for those few occasions when a
charge is taxable. (NOTE: There is a built in
flexibility in the system which allows you to override
the 'Taxable' designation when you're working in the
(P)atients section of the main system. So if you
designate non-taxable here, and at a later point it
becomes a taxable service, you can change it at the time
of transaction posting. It will change on individual
billing and not alter your main charge table.)
The 'G/L Account...:' field is an optional field for
use if you have an outside General Ledger account you
want this system to interface with. If you do, just type
in the GENERAL LEDGER CODE this charge item should be
posted against. The system will group them when Journal
Reports are posted based on that number.
The 'Insurance (Y/N): N' field is for identifying
whether transactions posted using this code are insurance
related. The system assumes a default of 'Y' for all
charge codes, and a default of 'N' for all adjustments
Page 58
and receipts. For all charge codes this must be a 'Y' and
also the patient assignment flag must be a 'Y' before the
transaction is automatically flagged for insurance
posting. For adjustments and receipts only the flag in
this record is used to determine if the transaction being
posted is insurance related and therefore automatically
flagged for insurance posting upon entry. The following
table summarizes this relationship:
Patient Coded for Transaction
assigned insurance flagged for ins.
Charge Codes: N N N
Y Y Y *
(* = transaction is automatically flagged for insurance
upon posting.)
In the 'History (Y/N)...: N' field you have the
ability to flag a charge transaction as being something
you want to be part of the patient's permanent record.
If you answer 'yes', then during transaction posting a
mini-screen is called up where you can enter that
information for history. This eliminates the need to
remember to call up a separate function for entering
patient history information.
The 'Recall (Y/N)...: N Letter:' field will let you
set up a recall letter for follow up visits pertaining to
this charge. Answering 'yes', at time of transaction
posting, will give you a mini-screen where you can setup
the next patient recall for this service. (Note - You
must have already setup the recall letter format before
you enter a 'Y' for recall request.)
Page 59
TYPE 'R' = Receipts and TYPE 'A' = Adjustments
The 'G/L Account...:' field is an optional field for
use if you have an outside General Ledger account you
want this system to interface with. If you do, just type
in the GENERAL LEDGER CODE this charge item should be
posted against. The system will group them when Journal
Reports are posted based on that number.
The 'Insurance (Y/N): N' field is for identifying
whether transactions posted using this code are insurance
related. The system assumes a default of 'Y' for all
charge codes, and a default of 'N' for all adjustments
and receipts. For all charge codes this must be a 'Y' and
also the patient assignment flag must be a 'Y' before the
transaction is automatically flagged for insurance
posting. For adjustments and receipts only the flag in
this record is used to determine if the transaction being
posted is insurance related and therefore automatically
flagged for insurance posting upon entry. The following
table summarizes this relationship:
Patient Coded for Transaction
assigned insurance flagged for ins.
Adjustment & N N N
Receipts N Y Y *
Y Y Y *
(* = transaction is automatically flagged for insurance
upon posting.)
(C)hange - The (C)hange option allows you to change
information for a specific code within a specific table.
(Note - If you need to setup multiple tables that have
only minor variances with the standard, 'DEFAULT', table
use the function in the UTILITIES section for making a
copy of an existing table. After you have made a copy of
the standard table you can then use this '(C)hange'
function to modify it as needed.)
(D)elete - The (D)elete options allows you to delete a
specific table code from a specific charge table. (Note -
If you wish to delete an entire table use the routine in
the UTILITIES section.)
(S)how - This option will take you back to the table
display screen where you can select another code for
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(+)skip / (-)skip - The (+)skip and (-)skip options allow
you to sequentially step forward, and backward, through
the codes of a selected table.
The (L)ist tables option can be used for printing
out copies of existing tables for review or filing
purposes. Upon requesting this option you are asked to
identify the sequence that you wish to list your tables
code in. This sequence is either by code, or by alpha
After selecting the sequence you are provided with the
opportunity to either list all tables on file, or to
select a specific table for listing. If you request to
list only a specific table you will then be displayed a
list of the tables you have on file from which you can
make a selection from.
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This section of the system is designed to assist you
in modifying and maintaining the overall DENTAL#1 system
to meet the unique needs of your individual practice.
Selecting the (U)tilities option from the MASTER
MENU will give you the UTILITIES - SUB-MENU (screen).
There are two major grouping of utilities provided in the
DENTAL#1 system: (A)pplication support and (S)system
support. Application support utilities directly affect
your data files and information posted to them. System
support utilities cover all other areas.
(A)pplications support - UTILITIES
Select the (A)pplication support utilities option
first, which will give you the UTILITIES - APPLICATION
SUPPORT (Screen) with the following options:
(U)pdating practice data - allows you to make
informational changes when necessary to keep your system
personalization current. This is the same screen
presented to you during system initialization.
(P)urge old invoicing - will clear information no
longer needed to give you room for new information.
Again, you can enter by highlighting and pressing
<ENTER>, or by pressing 'P'. (Note - Only invoicing
that has a zero balance as of the requested purge date
will be flagged for deletion. In this manner active
accounts that have open balances as of the requested date
will retain all of their transactions.)
(C)reate new charge table from existing - gives you
the opportunity to save code table setup time by copying
the contents of an existing table an creating a new
table. You can then limit your maintenance to only those
codes within the new table that need adjusting. Use the
same process for entering this function.
(D)elete existing charge table - allows you to
eliminate an out-dated charge table without going through
an involved process of changing information on-screen.
(F)inance charge-calculations/posting - is the
function that handles the charges for past-due accounts.
It gives you the flexibility of varying the charges or
applying a standard minimum rate. (Note - Only those
accounts/patients that were setup to receive finance
charges, and have a positive balance on last statement
charges after current payments/adjustments have been
Page 62
applied, will receive a finance charge. Finance charges
are a system generated transaction and will show up in
the account ledger.
(T)ransfer patient data to new account - will be the
most used of all the utilities. With this function you
can transfer all patient transactions, history, recall,
and notes to another patient account. An example of the
need for this utility is when a child becomes old enough
to have responsibility for their own bills. Before you
can use this utility you must set up a new patient master
record. Then you can call up this utility and by just
entering in the old patient account number and the new
patient account number all patient information is placed
under the new account. You can then delete the old
patient master record.
(L)edger code transaction update post - This
utility allows you to post new ledger codes to all
transaction already on file. Normally when you setup a
new system you do not assign general ledger codes to the
codes you setup in your charge code tables. Also later
you may want to assign new ledger codes so that you can
better group your transactions for ledger postings. THIS
Page 63
(S)ystem support - UTILITIES
The '(S)ystem support utilities' function is where
you fit the system to your computer and maintain it.
These utilities are:
(R)eindex data files - will 1. physically remove all
records flagged as deleted (except transactions) and
return the space to your system, 2. rebuild all file
(NOTE: If you restore your data files from a backup,
you must run the 're-indexing' function before you use
them. Failure to do this will corrupt the restore data
files, requiring you to reload them from the same backup
and start over.)
(P)rint registration form - is the function you use
to print the registration form you must send in to
register you as a user of DENTAL#1 add remove you from
the 100 patient limit.
(C)hange printer codes - allows you to setup those
decimal codes necessary to allow your printer to switch
between NORMAL and COMPRESS print when printing your ADA-
1985 insurance form.
(M)onographics color: N - provides the option of
using a color screen or black and white. DENTAL#1
normally automatically tests your computer to see if it
supports a color monitor and if it does you will see all
displays in color. Some computers have color capabilities
but use a monochrome monitor. If you are testing DENTAL#1
on a laptop computer you may wish to force the color to
monochrome display. Currently most laptops only display
in shades of gray and use of the color display option
will make reading your screens difficult.
(S)et default values - This utility provides you
with the ability to 1) identify the ADA-1985 forms
supplier you are using so that proper forms alignment can
be obtained, 2) enter values that will control the format
of the Super Bill you will print, and 3) change the
content of the message printed at the bottom of the Super
(A)djust date format - Although there is only one
date format for all dates entered into DENTAL#1 you have
the option to select the format that this date will be
displayed and listed in. This function allows you to
select the desired date format you wish to use.
Page 64
BUFFER The space in the computer's memory where
text is temporarily stored while the
computer is on.
CONFIG.SYS A file used to modify the parameters of
machine operation.
DBF Data base files.
DEFAULT Word used to designate 'standard', most
common. In DENTAL#1, 'default' is 00
unless specified otherwise.
DOS Disk operating system.
FIELDS Specific areas for receiving information.
FLAG An instruction put in one function that
cross references with another function
requesting an activity.
FREEFORM FIELD A field that doesn't require information
every time the function is used.
INITIALIZATION Bringing up the system and customizing it
to create DBF.
INSTALLATION Physically putting the software on disks
by copying.
MESSAGE LINE Space at the bottom of the screen for
'prompts' and 'help'.
PROMPT A question or request that appears on
screen which has to be answered before
continuing with the function.
PURGE Remove outdated information and create
space for new information.
Page 65
The following data files are created, and used, by
PATIENT - Contained in this file are all of your
account/patient master records. Accounts and patient
masters have the save data structures and therefore share
the same database. This makes it easy to locate both
patients and accounts by searching on account no., last
name, or first name. While an account can be a patient,
any patient master having a patient number greater than
'00' cannot be an account. There can be 100 patients per
account '00' - '99'. Accounts contain the information
parameters that control the billing cycle that affects
all patients within the account.
COMMENTS - This is an optional file that can be related
to individual patient masters. Contained within this file
are any notes that you setup that you wish to remain
with the patient record. Each of these notes are date
related. You are not limited to the number of notes you
enter per patient (other than available disk space).
DHISTORY - Each patient can also have associated with
it an unlimited number of history records. These records
differ from COMMENTS. You are prompted to setup this
information whenever you are posting specific charges to
a patient.
RECALLS - Patients can have have an unlimited number of
recalls scheduled. These recall requests are prompted
for setup for specific charges contained within your
charge table. Each recall can be for different dates,
follow up action, and can reference a unique recall
letter. These records stay on file until you post a
follow up action charge or specifically delete the given
patient recall request.
CHGTABLE - Your charge tables are the heart of your
system. You can have up to 100 unique charge tables '00'
- '99'. You must setup at least one charge table before
you can setup any patients. Each patient is assigned a
default charge table for the posting of all transaction.
In this manner you can have various rates for the same
treatment depending upon the table assigned to the
patient. At time of transaction posting you many override
the default table assignment with another table. At the
end of day you can recap your daily activity by table.
Page 66
DOCTOR - You must setup at least on dentist/doctor in
this file before you can setup any patients. Each patient
is assigned to a specific dentist/doctor for care and
follow up. You may also use this file to maintain
the names of all referring dentists/doctors.
INSCO - This file contains basic information related
to the various insurance companies your patients may file
claims with. The only true limit to the number of
insurance companies you can setup is disk space. To make
things manageable we suggest that you structure the
identification code for each insurance company from some
common name abbreviation and number. The use of a number
in the key will allow you to setup several records for
the same insurance company even though there are several
agencies supplying that coverage. Each patient can have
reference to two insurance companies.
LETTERS - This set of files (LETTER.DBF and
LETTER.DBT) contain all of your RECALL letter formats.
The LETTER.DBT file is a special structure file that
carries the body of the recall letter. The LETTER.DBF
file contains the letter ID. code and description and
points to the LETTER.DBT file for the letter body.
DTRAN - The transaction data base contains all
charges, adjustments, and receipts posted to your
patient. DENTAL#1 maintains this file in date order for
each account and patient. Aged account/patient balances
are recalculated each time by reading this file for each
account/patient in date sequence. NO BALANCE FORWARD
TAG_INS - This file is a temporary file created to
identify those patients that are to receive an insurance
claim form. Once the claim form has been printed the
record in this file related to that patient is deleted.
In this manner you can print insurance claim forms in
batch mode at the end of the day, week, or any time
schedule you wish to use.
TAG_RCAP - This file is a temporary file created to
identify those patients that require a printed patient
profile recap. An entry in made in this file for each
patient having a posting made to their HISTORY data base.
In this manner you can batch print patient profile
updates in batch mode at the end of day, week, or any
time schedule you wish to use.
DENGL - This file is a temporary file created
whenever you request a General Ledger Journal listing.
Not only is this file used for the printing of your G/L
Journal listing, but you can also use it to interface to
any external G/L system you may have.
Page 67
MEDshare provides service and support to the user on a
"Pay As You Go" type arrangement. Under this method you
pay only for the time and services needed to answer your
questions. The rate is $60.00 per hour, billed in 15
minute units, with a minimum billing of $15.00. All
service and support is provided over the phone, Monday -
Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm cst.
Phone:(214) 736-3668
(Note: MEDshare does not, and will not, provide any
assistance with hardware, and operating system, problems.
We recommend that you establish support for these items
from within your local area.)
MEDshare also encourages local VAR's and DEALERS to
promote and service DENTAL#1. Authorized VAR'S and
DEALERS provide a more personal level of support and in
many cases may be in your area. Their rates for their
support are not controlled by MEDshare and in most cases
will be less.
For the name and phone number of an authorized VAR or
DEALER in your area call:
Phone:(214) 736-3668 (no charge for this call)
MEDshare is always looking for VAR's and DEALERS to
support the DENTAL#1 family of products we offer to the
medical practitioner. We offer an interesting, if not
unique, market participation plan to all VAR's and
DEALER's that wish to become authorized support centers
for our products. If you know of a VAR or DEALER in your
area that would be interested in becoming an authorized
support center for our products have them call us at:
Phone: (214) 736-3668
Page 68
There are two types of UPGRADES to be considered:
1. Upgrades due to errors detected in prior releases of
MEDshare products.
type of upgrade is free. When we are notified of a
problem we will make all effort necessary to correct it
in the shortest time possible. When the correction is
made we will provide all CURRENT registered users with a
copy of the corrected program at no cost. (BY CURRENT WE
If you encounter an error in your program please do the
A. Write down the error message - exactly as
B. Call MEDshare immediately at (214) 736-3668 and
describe the problem and read to use the error
C. If possible capture to the printer a copy of the
screen that is displaying the error message. This
can be done by turning on your printer and pressing
(at the same time) the Shift and the 'PrtSc' keys on
your printer keyboard.
2. Upgrades due to improvements and new features being
incorporated into MEDshare products. MEDshare is
constantly in the process of evaluating and improving the
DENTAL#1 and related software products provided to our
users. While we cannot give any hard dates for releasing
new versions of our programs we hope to have about two
major releases per year. Some of these releases will be
new programs and not upgrades to existing programs. All
new programs will be offered to registered users at a
special price. If you are not a current registered user
your price will be considerably higher.
Registered users: We encourage you to install all
upgrades when received. Some upgrades may require the
creation of new fields within your database. If you fail
to install all upgrades these fields will not be
available for the next upgrade that we send you.
Page 69
Users that have failed to purchase upgrades: If you have
failed to purchase upgrades as they become available you
may purchase them later at a nominal cost. The cost of
each upgrade will be determined by the new features it
incorporates and will vary. Please request a price
listing of all upgrades. You will need to purchase all
upgrades released that have a higher version number than
the current version you are using (if you wish to carry
your current data up into the new formats). Some upgrades
may require the creation of new fields within your
database. If you fail to install all upgrades as they are
released these fields will not be available for the next
upgrade that we send you.
A. A newsletter informing you of what's new, etc.,
B. A special price the purchase of special purpose
programs developed to enhance our products features,
C. The access to our telephone support.
(Sorry but we can only support our registered users.)
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New releases are not to be confused with upgrades.
Upgrades are improvements in a specific product. New
releases are new products and may have a new name or a
new version number series.
MEDshare is dedicated to providing you, the medical
practitioner, with the best program to manage your
practice with. We realize that one program cannot address
all needs. As we grow MEDshare will be creating new
programs for various specialities and methods of practice
management. As these programs become available we will be
notifying all current users of our products of their
availability. Current registered users will be offered
the opportunity to purchase these products at a reduced
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